1792-07-12 (static/transcriptions/1792/07/061.jpg)

Judgment and Execution against your orator thereon unless restrained therefrom by the injunction of this Honourable Court Though the said Charles Wyatt well knew that the said Bond should have been given up by him to your Orator to be cancelled and that in further prosecution of the said Combination and Conspiracy to defraud your Orator the said Charles Wyatt, pretends and gives out that he admits it to be true that he took advantage of the perplexed Situation of your orator when he obtained from him the aforesaid Bond a Copy of which is contained in the Schedule hereunto annexed marked with the Letter B, But then he insists that he has by his labour and industry in the aforesaid Trustts justly entitled himself to the benefit thereof whereas your orator charges, and so the said
