1779-10-27 (static/transcriptions/1779/10/008.jpg)

1779. 4 Term. Wednesday Oct. 27th.

Wednesday Oct. 27th 1779.
Mr. Justice Hyde.

[Triple Line]
There were several ordinary Motions.
Mr. Newman, Moved in an Action on a Bail Bond, wherein.
Sir John Hadley D’Oly, Baronet, Sheriff, was the Plaintiff, against.
Ragonaut Paul - - - Defendant to have the proceedings stayed in the original Actions, bail having been justified Action on the bail Bond; he stated that no Trial had been lost, because the bail were perfected so late, in last Term, that no Trial could have been had in last Term, and he insisted therefore, that the Defendant was intuled to have the proceedings in the Action on the bail bond stayed, on what he call’d the usual Terms