1780-06-24 (static/transcriptions/1780/06/023.jpg)

1780. Sessions. Saturday June 24.
Sir E. Impey . . . . . . . at 10o:-
Sir Robert Chambers at 10o:-
Mr. Justice Hyde . . . at 10o:-

[Triple Line]
There were several Motions to discharge the Recognizances of Defendants bound to appear, on their now appearing, and the Grand Jury being now discharged.
I told Mr. Sealey who moved them that they ought to be each two Motions, One the first day of the Session, or at least early day of the Sessions, or at least early in the Sessions, to Record the appearance of the Defendant, and the other, after the Grand Jury were discharged, to discharge the Recognizance, the Defendant having perform’d the Condition.