1780-10-31 (static/transcriptions/1780/10/014.jpg)

1780. 4 Term. Tuesday Oct. 31.

Saturday Oct. 31th 1780.
Sir E. Impey - - - - - - - at 10o:10’
Mr. Justice Hyde - - - - at 10o:10’

[Triple Line]
Mr. Davies moved on an Affidavit that the Defendant was living, to enter judgment on an Old Warrant of Attorney. Mr. Newman would have opposed this, but the Chief Justice said it was a Motion of Course and could not be opposed, nor a Rule to shew Cause granted. An absolute rule was made. Mr. Newman, said the Bond and Warrant of Attorney were unlawfully got in to the Possession of a Woman, and that the Motion for judgment was made on her behalf and not in truth on behalf of the Plaintiff.
The name of the Cause in which this Motion is made, is
Ramlochun Takoor
Moden Mohun Dhole.
Impey said, if there is any sufficient
/ cause