1781-03-29 (static/transcriptions/1781/03/048.jpg)

1781. 2 Sittings. [Thursday] March 29.

are the common conveyances of the Country, and if we did not hold them to convey an Inheritance we should overturn all the Titles in the Country.
Mr. Davies. The Defendant can prove no other Title that what the Court in other Causes, have already determined to be insufficient, that is a Grant from the Company.
Impey. You mean a Grant from the Company, after the Pottah Granted by the Company to Nemoo Sircar: certainly that is no title.
Judgment for the Plaintiff.

[Triple Line]
Anthony Seaffer
Hugh Casteman.

[Triple Line]
An Action of Trespass, for entering his close, and beating down his House, and a Wall. The Wall is in a Place call’d Ranny Moody Gully, or Ally in Calcutta.