1790-01-30 (static/transcriptions/1790/01/259.jpg)

1790. First Term. [Saturday] Jan: 30.

(Short Note.)
and therefore had not detain’d the Money of Captain Vanristill to his own use, although by his undertaking when he received the money, to see it was paid to the use of Captain Vanristill he was now bound to pay the Money again to Captain Vanristill, because Mr. Ledlie could not prove now the truth of the assertion of Mr. Kiernander, that the Debt Mr. Ledlie paid with that Money was a Debt due from Mr. Vanristill.
The above is only a continuation of the Note begun on the preceding Page, it contains the Substance of the Evidence, to be written more regularly another day, with the amount of the Damages to be taken from the Prothonotary’s Book.