1790-07-30 (static/transcriptions/1790/07/064.jpg)

1790. Sessions [Friday] July 30.

Shaikh Budhu
Last January I was a peon in the service of Mr. Pye. About the eighth of tenth of Magha (about 18th or 20th of January) a sick man was brought to my master’s house. I had been [ILL] over Cuchil Sercar’s house at Irinipucur. He was then in his house. No other peon was with me. I was present when the prisoner came to my master to make a complaint. I did not understand but I asked the prisoner in Hindustany what his complaint was. He answered, I have caught a thief and secured him at my garden. Soon after Mr. Pye ordered me to watch over the man complained of: he ordered no other Peon. I went with Jackson, and with a summons, & an order to bring the man pointed out to Mr. Pye. Jackson instead of taking me to his own