1781-12-10 (static/transcriptions/1781/12/008.jpg)

1781 Sessions [Monday] Dec. 10th
Of the usage I received on this Groo Persaud ……… to Mullick’s Garden: He said Connoy was not satisfied, and he would get back from Connoy what he had got. He said he would get Saheb to seal the Papers, to get back the money Connoy had got: It was fifty Sicca Rupees. It was the whole of my Expences.
Of all these Papers I have none now to shew.
Then Groo Persaud sate me at Liberty, but Connoy Doss kept me confined: He demanded my husband to find his Assamies: He meant his Debt against whom he had made his complaint in the [Sefwxxxxx]
/ court