1791-01-27 (static/transcriptions/1791/01/237.jpg)


First Term 1791.
Com: L: Baboo Monohur Doss & B: Duarcah Doss
This Indre having been read, Deft’s Advocates again tender Nilmunny Miter as a Wts. And after some debate upon the effect & operation of the Instrument, it was agreed that Nilmunny Miter is now become a competent Wts & he is therefore sworn.

No. 15 Wts for the Deft
Nilmunny Miter.
(properly Nilcant Miter)
Wts Examd on the voir dire, appears now to have no Interest.
Sw: in chief.
In Cartic 1196, while I was under the charge of Mr. F:
S Sepahies, some Bridjubassies came from Plf’s &c
Sidmn Lall comes from Calcutta & demands an Atsettah S: L: agrees that such sums shall afterwds be deducted as sl appear to Ram G. M. not to be due, & I wrote a lr about the account C to R. G. Miter. That accot is R. G. M.’s accot.
S: L: then wrote the note P. respecting the 4000 R. wts then speaks of a Tamassuk for 34000 R. on which only 2400 were lent – And anor for 36000 R. which I signed for R. G. M. for the balance of the business of the Coty.