1791-01-29 (static/transcriptions/1791/01/241.jpg)


First Term 1791.
Com: L: Baboo Monohur Doss & B: Duarcah Doss

Sat: 29 Jan: 1791.
Hyde &
After several motions of which I did not think it necessary to take notes, the cause of
Baboo Monohur Dass }
& Baboo Duarcah Dass}
against }
Matthew Dawson Esq }
was called on again

Cross Examination of
Nilmunny Miter
Wts for Deft
speaks of his having discovered errors in the accot C, (which he had made out partly by guess & partly from a nagry accot of Sidma Lall,) by comparing it with a copy of his own accot which he had bef: sent to Ram G. Miter, not with the original. “The only time (he adds) that I compared the accost with the books of the Coty was before the Arbr.” I mean bef: the Brahman appointed by the Arbr.”
“These words in the paper Q – Sree Gopal Dass, Sree Kissore Dass, Sree Monohur Dass by the pen of Gossind Dass Gomastah were written by Gungadhur Mozendar who was a writer in the Coty at Moidapur. These words in R, Sree Gobind Miter Isho were also written by the same person. These papers Q & R were not deld because the agreemt did not take place. The paper S was wr: by me in the lodging of Govinde Dass in Calcutta, when the papers Q. & R. were drawn out.”