1791-08-01 (static/transcriptions/1791/08/001.jpg)

1. Forging Company 3. 5. Conspiracy
2. Uttering to defraud The Bankers 4. Two Counts.
[ILL] of offence

Monday 1 Aug: 1791
Cheat, or, (Forgery at Common Law)
And Conspiracy
K. against Rampersaud Shaw, Narain Dutt, Omur Sing, Tunnoo Soom, and Puddolochurn.
35 mins after 11.
The Adve. Gen. opens the case.
28 May 1790. Certife to Wm Bruce Smith
(Ho 1074 or 1790) for 20,000 S.Rs.
offered for sale to Canai Pauh, who delivered it to Mr. Larkins. A reward of 2000 Rs offered for a discovery: Govindram Dutt informed. His evidence. Credit of the witnesses. The nature of the case. Attempts to suppress the evidence of those very witnesses.

1. Benj. Mee sworn.
I look at the paper produced Exh. A. one morning in May 1790, Canai Pal brought it to me, conceriving it had been forged: I delivered this paper to Mr. Larkins. I know Canai Pal, but not W. Bruce Smith, nor do I know whether there is such a man.

2 Wm Larkins sworn
I look at A. About the end of May 2790 it was to me by Mr. Mee, that I might check it, & Mee, that I might check it, & examing (what was suspected) whr it was forged.