1791-08-01 (static/transcriptions/1791/08/007.jpg)


Papers of that value will not now be sold in the bazar,” if you will give me one rupee more than the bazar – price, I will buy 20,000 Rupees worth of paper.” He sd I will go to my mar & return with paper abt 10 or 13 o’clock, I sd my [ILL] was vivid, unless he came back that day. About 10 or 11, he returned. I was above stairs, & he came upstairs to me, & had that certfe (A) wrapped up in his cloth, & showed it me. I made inquiries about the gentleman his banyan &c & finding him to very differ in his conversation & seeing the paper, dated Dec. 1789 & looking attentively) I thought the paper new, & the writing fresh. I supposed the paper might have been kept clean in a bureau. I therefore had no (strong) suspicion. I showed it I had a little suspicion, & gave it to RamSoondar Pawn, who was near me, to look at. He thot it might have been written over, & Hence looked (renewed)