1791-12-30 (static/transcriptions/1791/12/241.jpg)


On the 20th of last September at six in the evening, I was called to attend corporal Hopkins, he had received a wound from a gunshot in his right side below the fourth rib. The shot had penetrated the nteguments and musces, and lodged in the abdomen. The wound was jagged and largel and the contents of the gun were lodged in the body: they were two copper pice (pisa) which I extracted, and thy are now produced. He died, in consequence of that wound, on the 21st at seven in the morning: it had penetrated one of his intestines, part of the colon and I produce a preparation of that wounded intestine. I attended every man of that battalion, whatever might be his complaint I recollect the prisoner having been sent to the corporal for a dysentery but do not know that he labored under any other