1792-04-03 (static/transcriptions/1792/04/013.jpg)


3d April 1792.

Reverend Father Fre Francisco}
Santa Maria } Cause called on for further
against } directions on the Master’s
Manuel De Cruz and others } Report
That Manuel De Cruz do pay the sum of Sicca Rupees 18348.11.11 found due by the Master with the Interest thereof at 10 perCent from the 1st day of March last the daye of the Masters Report to this day, that the Complainant do pay to the Defendants Padre Fre Manuel De Jesus Maria Jose Padre Fre Joseph De Santa Augustino Joseph Barretto and John Martin Playdell their respective Costs and let the Defendant Manuel de Crua pay to the Complainant the said Costs of the said four several Defendants together with the Complainants own Costs.
And further that the lower Roomed House now in the Possession of the Sheriff shall be delivered over to the said Master who shall offer the same for Sale and Report the best Bidder for the same to this Court on the first Equity day of next Term.