1792-11-13 (static/transcriptions/1792/11/011.jpg)


Jt for Plf for C. R. 4834 with Int: from 1 Dec: 1791 at 10 pr Cent.

[Single Line]
Same Day }
James Frieshard }
v }
J. Rider & B. Mee}
Pl. filed 19 June 1792.
Defts subject by having been within 2 years past British Subjects resident in Bengal.
1 Cot 10000 – had & recd
2d Co for 10000; lent & advd
laid out & expended
Then follow 2 erroneous counts on [which] the Plf will not rely –
Cause brot on to trial ex parte in the same way
1 Wts