1793-02-16 (static/transcriptions/1793/02/031.jpg)

of the Comp. bonds in question.
It not does ^ not appear, by any
thing more than prob: presumption
that the paper converted was that
which belonged to the ho. of Plfs at
Madras. On the contrary it is prb:
that in the year 1791, the list on the
2d leaf of Exh: No. 12 was made out
with a design of securing Plfs: by
ascribing to them the prop: of bonds
many of which never had belong\'d
to them

The evidence of conversion
consists of the declars of the
parties by entries which are
not the best evidence, because
the witn: who says he compd
them with original ^ books must
be understood to admit that those
books are the originals. -