1794-10-23 (static/transcriptions/1793/10/005.jpg)

1794. Fourth Term. [Thursday] Oct. 23d.

Thursday Oct 23d 1794.
Mr. Justice Hyde …. at .... 10o10’
Sir William Dunkin … at ..10o10’

[Double Line]
Several common Motions.
In Equity.

Meer Gomany Cawn - - - - Complainant
Maharajah Tagechund } Defendants
Bahadur Monohur Doss, } Defendants
Baboo, and Khosaul Chund}
Baboo ………………….. }

A Rule Nisi Causa had been obtain’d to stay proceeding by the Complainant untill he gave he security for Costs the ground for this Rule was swearing that after filing his Bill he had absconded to Serampore, Now
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