1794-07-29 (static/transcriptions/1794/07/125.jpg)

Tu. 29 July 1794
Hyde &
The cause of Rees v hooke was called on again before I came upon the bench; and two more witnesses for the Plf were examined. Viz
No. 10 Nokoory Khan a sheriff’s peon.
No. 11. Mr. William Ledlie & then Plf’s case being closed. Sir John Richardson advoc: for Deft stated his case as proved by Plf’s Wtses and insisted that he should be nonsuited. In doing this he lays down 4 grounds
1. That every man’s house is his castle, no one without shewing lawful authority can enter or remain there without owners consent.
2. Wherever a Bailiff is empowered by law to break open a door & neglects to do it without being obstructed