1794-08-01 (static/transcriptions/1794/08/002.jpg)

Cassinath, late husband, of Kissen Congarer & father of the other defendants, and of such things as were mortgage to him, & that they may be decreed to enter up satisfaction on several Judgment obtained by Cassinath in his life time & by Defts since, to the amount of SR 156,769.4.6 and that they may be restrained by Injunction from selling any of the estate &c taken in exec – by forfe more particularly of what was seized by fi.fa in a Jt obtd by Samuel Dass agt Complt on which writ was endorsed an order to levy SR 64,614.15.9, & from proceeding at Law.
Rule to shew cause on the condition of bringing 64,614 SR into Court.