1778-06-12 (static/transcriptions/1778/06/008.jpg)

1778. Sessions. [Friday] June 12th.

went with the brother of Fuckroo the next day to seek for Rumjohnny, and found him and the other two Prisoners.
My brother Chambers summing up to the Jury, said that though these sticks of which each Man had in his hand, One, might be taken from the House or yard of the Gurran Seller, yet that was not proved; and even if they were taken from that place there is no reason to say they were feloniously taken, or that the three Prisoners were there on any felonious design, but it rather seem’d by their having no more than One stick each that they had taken them for the purpose of beating the Man: He therefore directed the Jury to find them all Guilty of Manslaughter, deeming it an assault on a sudden quarrel with dangerous weapons, but not such as from the nature of them, must be presumed to be intended to kill.
And the Jury accordingly found them all three
Guilty of Manslaughter.
Mr. Justice Chambers and I had some discourse relative to the Punishment
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