1785-11-29 (static/transcriptions/1785/11/104.jpg)

Sittings after } 1785
4th Term. }
29 Nov. 1785

John Molloy }
Agt } Assault & Battery
John Walesby}
Deft sub: to the Juris: of this Cot by of Deft his being a Brit: sub. res. within the Prov of B: B: & O:
1. Cot for beating & wounding at Calcutta. 9 Aug 85
2d Cot for beating & wounding (on same day & year) on the High Seas to wit at Calcutta – 9 Aug. 85.
3d Cot exactly the same as the first.
4th Cot exactly the same as the 2d
5th Cot same as the first except that the asst is laid on 10th Aug
6th Cot only differs from 2d & 4th in the same way, viz 10th Aug instead of 9th
7th Cot beating & wounding on the H: Seas (10th August} with aggravations viz, cuts, lashes, bruises, &c and inability to work for 9 weeks.
8th Cot beating & wounding on the H. Seas /10 August/ & compelling Plf to remove from an airy apartment to a close & nauseous one in the ship of [which] Deft was first mate. –
Dam C. R. 20000
Plea – Not Guilty & Issue thereon
2d Plea