1785-11-29 (static/transcriptions/1785/11/111.jpg)

Wts Gocul Sean
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Begg) I am a podar. Plf is [my] cash keeper at 10 Rs. wages & 5 Rs. diet money – “swears & pro[ILL]
After down these words. “Mr. M. & Mr. M asked me if they (Imam B. & F.) had been taken to my house & beaten. I answered, that I saw no beat[ILL] in my home but I turn’d them out because they were drunk.
The they said
N. B. Gocul Sean does not say he offered to be sec: for Plf & Jeetoo –
Pa. 11. On the 9th of Assin in Evidence. Bindabun came & told me that Plf was struggling with a drunken man in the Bazar, I [said I?] had no [man] to send & desired Bindi to go and [tell?] them all come to me. They came [ILL]
On the