1777-11-29 (static/transcriptions/1777/11/035.jpg)

1777. Sittings. Sat. Nov. 29th.

Saturday Nov. 29th
Impey & Hyde.
Ramnarain Tagoor
Kistnopersaud Chowdry.
The Plaint consisted of three counts.
For Money laid out and expended Two Thousand and fifty four Arcot Rupees
For Money Had & Received 2054 Arcot Rupees.
For arrears on an account 2054 Arcot Rupees.

Sunker Gose. The first Witness in this cause prevaricating in his Evidence so that Impey and I agreed, no credit ought to be given to any part of his Evidence, Mr. Durnford the Clerk of the Depositions was directed to make a note on the Deposition that the Court paid no attention to this deposition, but totally rejected his Evidence in every part of it, because in One, and the most material part he had prevaricated and contradicted and contradicted himself. And Mr. Litchfield the Prothonotary was directed to make a minute that the Court rejected the Testimony of this Witness because he had prevaricated and contradicted him=