1786-08-04 (static/transcriptions/1786/08/005.jpg)


& to all other constables.

[Single Line]
It is sd the Stat: must be extended to this country because a remedial one.
But the Stat: is not a remedial one – for it deprives the many of their right for the indemnification of the few.
When the 24 Geo. 2: was enacted it was well known in Engld that the Js of K’s B: had a right to act as Justices of P: & if it had been meant to extend to them they wod have bn named: But they are not named & therefore not included, bec: they are of higher rank & power than those who are named. See 2 Rep: 46 ABP of C.’s case.
If a J: of P: issues such a