1786-12-28 (static/transcriptions/1786/12/513.jpg)


6th witn for the Prosr
Charles Rice
On the 5th of last January About the beginning of last the Bill of Exchange or 5000 C. Rupees now produced to me was brought to me in Calcutta; to be discounted, by Mr. Queitos an auctioneer: In consequence of this I gave the number and amount and date of it to my Sercar, who after being some time absent returned & told me Mr. Herman was ready to purchase it, accordingly I gave the bill of Exchange to my Sercar who went out and returned to me with the cash, which I received. The bill was sold at the rate of 17 p. ct. discount.
NB. The witness only knows the Bill of Exchange by having Pris memory refreshed by our Copy of a Minute taken by him on the 5th of January last and he only knows the [ILL] purchased it, from his Sercar, who is not here, and from Mr. Herman after the Bill was lost.