1779-10-25 (static/transcriptions/1779/10/005.jpg)

1779. 4 Term. Monday Oct. 25.

Monday Oct. 25th 1779.
Mr. Justice Hyde

[Triple Line]
This day Monday Oct. 25th 1779, is the first day of the 20th year of the Reign of His Majesty, George the Third, of Great Britain France and Ireland, King; Defender of the Faith &c.
This Term is said to be in the 19th and Twentieth of George the Third, because it begins in the Nineteenth and ends in the Twentieth year of His Majesty’s Reign.
I came to the Court in my Scarlet Robe to day, because it is the day of the King’s accession, and is therefore Treated by the Courts of Law in England, as a Gala day, to appear in [their?] finest Cloaths, and I think it proper most particularly in this place that all manner of Tokens of respect to his Majesty should be shewn, and especially by those wo have the honour of holding offices under his Majesty’s Authority, and on his appointment. All sings of Loyalty to