1779-11-19 (static/transcriptions/1779/11/016.jpg)

1779. 4 Term. [Thursday] Nov. 19th.

Judgment for him, at the Trial of the Cause, for want of having the bond rightly described in the Plaint, and for that reason only, he pleaded for the Defendant, the General-Issue, and did not plead to the Jurisdiction. But on looking into the original Plaint that was found to be right, and that the mistake supposed to be in the date existed only in the office Copy deliver’d to Mr. Tolfrey from the Prothonotary, and Mr. Tolfrey having been led into this Mistake by the mistake of an officer of the Court, I thought it the more reasonable the Rule to shew Cause should be granted, that the Defendant should not be hurt by such a Mistake, and therefore I being alone in Court both granted the Rule to shew Cause, and also made it absolute. I talk’d of it to my brother Chambers when he came and he seem’d to agree in opinion with me.
After Mr. Justice Chambers came there were some common Motion heard and some common Causes tried.