1788-01-08 (static/transcriptions/1788/01/005.jpg)

I saw a wound in her left breast, which I suppose to be the same that he gave her in my presence.
The woman nevertheless got out at the door, the prisoner followed her, and I followed slowly to see the consequence, but before I got out of the door the prisoner was seized by the people. I then went up to the woman who had fallen down in a Ditch about 20 feet from the Barrack. She was lying there unable to help herself.
What I have called a ditch is a drain lined with brickwork for carrying off water from the Barracks.
I and two other soldiers carried the woman back to the barrack, and laid her on her Cot, (or bedstead.) The woman lived with one Serjt Dogharty, and but he was not present at that time. Another Serjt of the same company with Dogharty went for a Doctor.
First Doctor who came was Doctor Philips, I was present when he came & I afterwards saw other Doctors there.
My Cot being near that of the woman I stayed there till her death, which happened I think about 20 minutes after the wounds were given.
I do not know of any quarrel between the prisoner and the woman, nor can I tell