1780-06-19 (static/transcriptions/1780/06/015.jpg)

1780. 3 Term. Monday June 19.

Monday June 19th 1780.
Sir E. Impey . . . . . at 9o:35’
Mr. Justice Hyde . at 9o:35’

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In Equity.
Peter Reed
Joynarain Gosaul; Administrator of Gocul Chunder Gosaul, deceased.

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A Judgment had been obtain’d on a bond last Term. This is the day on which Execution on that Judgment may be Issued. An Injunction Bill has been filed to stay Execution, and Mr. Reed having made an affidavit that the matter of his Bill is true, and that on the Balance of accounts Gocul Gosaul was in Debt to him, Mr. Lawrence now moved, for an Injunction to stay Execution till and answer and further Order. And it was granted on payment of the Money into Court.
But the Motion made by Mr. Lawr.
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