1780-07-17 (static/transcriptions/1780/07/021.jpg)

1780. 3 Sittings. [Monday] July 17.

Aga Takki
Rani Bhobani
This cause which had been adjourn’d from Friday last [see page 164 …..] to this day, was now call’d on.
Impey, said to Mr. Newman Advocate for the Defendant: The Court are not now prepared to go on with the Plea to the jurisdiction by giving the judgment of the Court to day, on the Plea to the jurisdiction: But the Court are willing to go on now with the Cause, and to take the Evidence on the General Issue, If you for the Defendant have no objection. Our Reason for desiring to go on now with the Evidence on the Second Plea, before we decide on the first, is, that if we should hereafter give judgment for the Defendant, on the Plea to the jurisdiction, and there should be an Appeal from that judgment, it would be at least three years before the judgment given in England on that Appeal would be received here, and the Witnesses who
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