1780-10-25 (static/transcriptions/1780/10/008.jpg)

1780. 4 Term. [Wednesday] Oct. 25.

Wednesday Oct. 25th 1780.
Sir E. Impey - - - - - at 9o:15’
Mr. Justice Hyde - - at 9o:15’

[Triple Line]
Mr. Justice Chambers did not come to Court to day being ill with a Cold.

A New Ordinance.
Mr. Newman, One of the Company’s Advocates, Moved that an Ordinance pass’d by the Governor-General and Council on the 26th day of June 1780, be now Openly Publish’d and Read. The Court Order’d it should be Openly Publish’d and Read; and it was accordingly Openly Publish’d and Read in Court.
It was afterward Order’d that a Copy should be affixed in the Halle where the Court sate, and it was so.
This day the 21st year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the 3d Begins. King George the second, His Majesty’s Grand-Father, died October 25th 1760.