1780-10-28 (static/transcriptions/1780/10/012.jpg)

1780. 4 Term. Monday Oct. 28.

Monday Oct. 30th 1780.
Sir E. Impey - - - - - - - at 10o:-
Mr. Justice Hyde - - - - at 10o:-

[Triple Line]
No Motions were made but in matter of Course.

John Doe,
on the Demise of Gowry Churn Seat.
Datteram Turruffdar

[Triple Line]
The Defendant’s Petition to be admitted to Defend instead of Henry Robinson the Common Ejector, was read: It contain’d a Confession of the Lease to John Doe, and of his turning John Doe, out of Possession of Eighteen Begahs. Two Cottahs and an half. He defended only for 18 Begahs, 2 Cottahs and an half, though the present plaint is for Thirty Seven Begahs at Sootanuty in Calcutta.
The Plaintiff produced a Pottah dated Jan: 1st 1764 for Thirty Seven
/ Begahs