1788-11-29 (static/transcriptions/1788/11/177.jpg)

Sat 29th Nov. 1788

Hyde &
Plea Side

John Doe on the dem of Ishury Deby
Ramhurry Tacoor
In Ejectment

Deft a settled Inhabitant of Calc & therefore subject to the Jurisdon of this Court.

A plaint in Ejectmt for 10 Messauges & 40 Cattahs of Land in Jann Bazar in Calcutta, which Ishury Deby demised to John Doe to hold from 9 July 1788 for 5 years

Dam 30000 SR

Plea – Not guilty
Issue Joined

Mr. James Dunkin states thus the case of Ishury the Lessor of the Plf.