1792-11-13 (static/transcriptions/1792/11/008.jpg)


Same Day

Eustace Vialars }
v }
Jac: Rider & B: Mee}

Plt filed 14 June 1792
Defts inhab of Calc: & Brit: Subj who have within 2 years past resided in the Provs

1 Cot for C.R. 80000 for this that That & J. Gregory now decd on 9 Sept: 1791 sealed a writing oblig. to Plf for 80000 CR Breach stated.
The Record then states a capias Return non sunt inventi, - Sequestration – Return thereto – 3 Davy given non appearance – 7 cause set down ex parte.

1 Wts W. Hickey Esq