1777-11-29 (static/transcriptions/1777/11/038.jpg)

1777. Sittings. [Saturday] Nov. 29.

in all Ten Causes now tried, at this Sittings.
Judgment for the Plaintiff.
Dammages. Four Hundred Arcot Rupees.

[Double Line]
Seepersaud Roy
Golaum Naby.
Another of the like causes.
The Court being obliged to take the Evidence in writing, made it necessary to take accurately the Evidence in each cause, and created great repetition, and took up a great deal of time. The Witness proved the Defendant was a great and a Rich Man reputed to be worth four or five Lacks of Rupees, and the Plaintiff was a Zemindar. The confinement was about three months, but no flagellation.
Dammages. Two Thousand Arcot Rupees.