1778-10-31 (static/transcriptions/1778/10/019.jpg)

Administration of the Goods of Ambrose Rocke, formerly of Ludlow in Shropshire, who died at Fort William some short time before this day, was afterward Granted to James Dolman: And in order to secure the effects to those concern’d, I wrote to England to desire inquiry might be made for the Relations of Rocke, and that they might send a Power of Attorney hither to have the Money received. In April 1781 A Power of Attorney arrived in Bengal to Thomas Vowler Short Esquire: and three others, and Robert Taylor and John Boulton, Executors of James Dolman paid some money in part to be remitted to Mrs. Elizabeth Batchelor, the Sister and Administratrix, appointed by the Prerogative Court of Canterbury of the Goods of Ambrose Rocke.
J. H. May 2d 1781.

The whole of this money was afterward remitted to England including Money due to the representative of a Man (by name I think Smith) who has never yet appear’d.
J. H. March 9th 1787