1791-01-31 (static/transcriptions/1791/01/249.jpg)


First Term 1791.
Com: L. Baboo Monohur Doss & B. Duarcah Doss
other measures to obtain them.
No 22. Wts for Deft.
Saum (or Siama) Lall before examined on the part of the Plf.
Wts attended at Nemeichurn Mullic’s house with the books of the revenue, by Cheitun chern Cur, Kissenchurn Gosal, Sat Cowri Pohatash & sometimes Nil My Miter, who all attended on the part of Govindram Miter.

Cross examined
Wts denies that he ever made N. M. Miter an offer of 1000 or 1200 Rs if he wd get the accots settled by the Dewan as N. M. M. had said.