1791-01-31 (static/transcriptions/1791/01/252.jpg)

Monday 31 January 1791
against Mathew Dawson Esq.
up all his Profits Interest & outstanding balance and that he wanted no more from Ram-Govinde Mitter but the principal money advanced by the Koutee and that yet the Dewan, neglected to pay him Mr. Dawson upon this was very much displeased with Ram Govinde Mitter and said “Why don’t you settle with him and pay his money “Ram Govinde Mitter answered that he was endeavouring to raise money and would pay very soon but that he wanted Govinde Doss to compare the accounts of the Koutee with the accounts kept by his people – Govinde Doss said very well he would do it and went away for that day.
I saw Govinde Doss after this at Mr. Dawsons house
One day I know Mr. Dawson delivered to Ram Govinde Mitter some Bank Paper to amount of 20,000 Rupees & upwards & I think Companys Bonds or a Company’s Bond for amount of five thousand Rupees which Ram Govinde Mitter deliver’d to the hands of Govinde Doss – this was in 1196 – Govinde Doss then addressed himself