1791-11-23 (static/transcriptions/1791/11/233.jpg)


when Coja Zakariah produced that and the other paper and said those were the papers on which the Begum claimed. I do not remember that the Kazee returned the Paper Exhibit N to Zakariah at the time it was produced – Zakariah gave this Paper to the Kazee and upon that I was called – I was not present when it was delivered.

Re-examined by the Court at the desire of the Counsel for the Defendants.
As to the seal of Haudgee Awauz being to the Hebbanamah, Hadgee Awaz sixteen days after the death of Shaw baz beg Khawn came to the Fauty & Zakariah and Bhyrut Beg were seated near me sometime being passed in this way Zakariah said to Hadgee Awauz – Shawbaz beg Khawn in his life time made an Hebbanamah and Eckraurawn do you witness it – Hadgee Awauz said I came from Benares since the death of Shawbaz beg Khawn. I am not acquainted with his Agreements – how shall I give testimony thereto – then Zakariah was silent for a while there was a Carpet spread where Zakariah was sitting near the Eastern wall and Zakariah said to Hadgee Awauz come & sit near me