1792-07-12 (static/transcriptions/1792/07/068.jpg)

Similar to that hereunto annexed and marked with the letter A or some other and what Schedule was not annexed to the said Deed And whether all the things of what kindsoever mentioned in the said Schedule were not delivered by your Orator or some other and what person or persons for him to the said Charles Wyatt. And whether your Orator did not create and deliver to the said Charles Wyatt a Bond Similar to that contained in the Schedule hereunto annexed and marked with the Letter B, or if it differ therefrom in what Particulars does it so differ. And whether the said Charles Wyatt has not commenced an action against your Orator on the said Bond and proceeded thereon as hereinbefore mentioned and does not intend to proceed to obtain judgment and execution thereon as is also hereinbefore mentioned or how otherwise. And whether the said Charles Wyatt did not receive from your Orator at the time hereinbefore mentioned or at some other and what time the several Deeds instruments Securities for money and property setforth and contained in the Schedule hereunto annexed, or here otherwise And whether the Schedule hereunto annexed and marked with the letter D does not contain a true and just account of all transactions between your Orator and the said Charles Wyatt and if not wherein the same is erroneous or defective, and whether the said Charles Wyatt has received any greater and what Sums of money for or on account of your Orator than have come to your Orator’s