1782-07-15 (static/transcriptions/1782/07/074.jpg)

1782 3 Sittings [[Monday]] July 15
Re’d this Act very cursitorily, but I believe there is a Clause which take away the Jurisdiction of the Court in this Case: and if it be so the Court will certainly give time to Plead it, or it may be done now, in the nature of a Plea Puis darrein Continuance.
Mr. Davies. There are several Clauses in the Act which I have in my Hand, which will oust the Jurisdiction of this Court in the present Cause.
Sir E. Impdy. If Mr. Brix desires to go on with the Cause, You may now draw a Plea puis darrein Continuance founded on this Act, but perhaps Mr. Brix may not think it worth while to go on.
/Mr. Brix