1782-07-15 (static/transcriptions/1782/07/073.jpg)

1782 3 Sittings [[Monday]] July 15
15,600 Begahs of Land, that is about Five Thousand Two Hundred Acres.
Mr. Brix, Advocate for the Plaintiff, had proceeded a very short time in stating the Case of his Client, when Sir E. Impey stopp’d him, and call’d on Mr. Davies, Advocate for the Defendant in this Cause and also the Company’s Senior Standing Council, to know whether the had in Court the New Act of Parliament, meaning the Act of 21st G. 3rd ch. 70 which is made to alter the Act of 13 G. 3rd ch. 63 as to the Jurisdiction of this Court.
Sir E. Impey said “I have