1794-07-01 (static/transcriptions/1794/07/004.jpg)

to Morad Elias and Nareifs Joannes d. 1 April 1788
4. The remder it is indifft to Complt how it is distributed; And the deiretal order seems to put all that remain[s] upon an equal footing [/v postea?].
5. That all those to whom Complt is not bound, he restrained by Injon v. postea.
6. That those who have made a defence which they could not sustain in this (viz Ulman, N. Joannes, Price assignee of Baretto, Jos. Baretto, Baiyne & Colvin) may pay costs.
I pray no costs against Theod: Perney or others who have disclaimed, viz C. Cockerell & H. Trail as Executors of De Lisle.
7. That Complt may have his costs out of the estate v. No. 1.