1794-07-01 (static/transcriptions/1794/07/005.jpg)

Mr. Strettell as Advocated for Jo: Baretto, Jo: Price &Co as assignee of Barretto –
I contended before that the bond from Carvalho alone to Mr. Barretto is a mortgage of a ship, which I endeavour’d to shew does not require delivery of possession. It appears that in favour of B. there is priority of execution of deeds.

Cadogan v Kennet
Cowper 432.
Three authorities quoted to shew that the mar has not for his wages any lien on the ship.
In favour of the other Defendants Price & Co Mr. Strettell quotes
Symes v Simmons &others
1 Brown’s Parl: Ca: 66
Lord Bristol & others creditors of [holding?] [ILL] Basset v Hungerford & others
2 Vernon 524 & 1 Eqla abs. 142
ca 5.