1778-04-08 (static/transcriptions/1778/04/012.jpg)

1778. Sittings. Wednesday April 8th.

Chambers & Hyde, at 10o15’.
I was not at the Court House till Ten, because I got up very late; I wrote a Letter to Chambers to desire he would not stay for me, but would go on with the Cause, but he did not come till a quarter past Ten, though he told me yesterday that he would endeavour to come early.

Beebee Roussen; Lessor of Doe.
Noor Khan.
The Cause in Ejection Firmat began yesterday, was continued.
A Question was put to the Moulavy by the Court. The Manner of putting it, was, that Mr. Justice Chambers stated the Question to be put in writing in English, and Mr. William Chambers, the Interpreter, read it into Persian, and afterward the Question was written in Persian, and the Moulavie Diamat Ullah who was the only Moulavie in Court, the other being absent with leave, went from behind Mr. Chambers’s seat where the Question was put to him, and sate in his own seat behind the Bench, and
/ wrote