1778-07-03 (static/transcriptions/1778/07/005.jpg)

1778. 3 Term. Friday July 3d.

Friday July 3d 1778.
Sir Robert Chambers
Mr. Justice Hyde.
There were only a few common Motions. Mr. Tilghman, Moved to make absolute the Rule Nisi made on Sat: June 27th to plead Not Guilty by the Tenant in possession on his being made defendant instead of the Casual Ejector, and also to plead to the Jurisdiction, in the Cause before mention’d in page 224 of
Keenoo Mootinaul, Lessor of John Doe;
Nornarain Metre
and the rule was now made absolute, no cause being shewn, nor-attempted to be shewn.
And a like rule to shew cause, was also made absolute, that had been obtain’d in another Ejectment Cause.

[Triple Line]
Then the Causes were call’d on, and first
Collypersaud Dutt
Sunker Bhur.
This cause had been begun to be tried and some depositions had been taken on