1779-03-20 (static/transcriptions/1779/03/018.jpg)

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what I have said relative [ILL] Ejectment supposed to be brought on the common fiction, mislead the Parties, it may be worth considering whether the best way if an Ejectment should be brought for that Land would not be, to make an actual Lease on the Land.
A. to be inserted in page 3.
I assented to what Impey said, and added that I consider’d those rules only as rules made in those Causes, and [ILL] as appear’d to the Court to be just [ILL] particular Case; and not to be matters of Course, that the like rules must be granter whenever moved. I said, I thought many cases might happen, where the Court would not add admit a Person to be defendant in Ejectment and to Plead to the Jurisdiction.
James Cressy