1781-01-12 (static/transcriptions/1781/01/007.jpg)

1781. 1 Term. Friday Jan. 12.

Friday January 12th 1781.
Sir E. Impey - - - - - - - at 10o:-’
Mr. Justice Hyde - - - - at 10o:15’.

[Triple Line]
The Motions were over before I came.

Kissenchunder Gosaul
Administrator of Gocul Chunder Gosaul, Deceased
Lieutenant Colonel Henry Watson.

This is an Action of Trespass for pulling down and destroying Golahs, that is Ware-Houses for Grain, at Kidderpore, near the New Fort.

Mr. Newman. Advocate for the Plaintiff.
Kissenchunder Gosaul was jointly possess’d with Gocul Chunder Gosaul of several Golahs at Kidderpoor.
Colonel Watson, when he took possession of this Ground and other Ground at Kidderpoor, pull’d down
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