1790-07-30 (static/transcriptions/1790/07/082.jpg)
1790. Sessions. [Friday] July 30.
ditch round it: the villagers were on the outside of it. I did not go into the garden, but spoke to the deceased where I stood. He answered me in a loud voice, & did not appear weak. I know Gocul Catiraj: I did not see him there. had he been there, I should have seen him. I am in the Governor’s service employed to make country beer.
Cumlah Raur, sworn
I am the widow of the deceased Cuchil. Last magh about 4 gheris after sunset I was dressing my victuals in the compound of Cuchil’s house, when I heard a man, who was passing in the road, say “Cuchil sercar is beaten very much by a gentleman, who