1786-07-01 (static/transcriptions/1786/07/001.jpg)


Sat: 1 July 1786.
The Court, after hearing motions, proceeded in the cause of Praunkissen Singh}
v } Assumpsit
Banarassy Ghose } on the Case.
Begun on Tuesd: 27 June 1786.
Continued on Wedn 28 June. -- & now brot forward from that day. v. page 8.5

7th Wts for Plf.
Baburam Bose.
This Wts saw Collychurn Ghose’s bond made for 4000 CR, to Banarassy Ghose, which he speaks of as a debt due to Banarassy; says he recd 2000 Rs in part for Deft & that Rect W is of Deft’s hand writing.
But tho’ he had said that he saw. C. Ghose’s bond, when Exh: L is shewn to him, he says he never saw it before.
X Examd he says that Collychurn sd bring the bond & I’ll pay the amot.” In answer to [which] Deft bid him tell Deft Collychurn that the bond was not in his passion but under lock & key in Prawnkissen’s house, & desired that he wod pay 2000 on his rect, & when he wod